Self-Service Technology In Contact Center

In customer service, we often enjoy connecting with people and providing a personal touch. But here’s an interesting fact from Gartner’s research: 70% of customers use self-service at some point during their customer journey. This means many customers like to help themselves. It could be by finding information in a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section or chatting with chatbots and automated helpers. Self-service is becoming more and more important. In this article, we’ll talk about why customer self-service matters in today’s contact centers and share some tips on how to make it work best.

Why self-service is important in today’s contact centers?

  • Providing 24/7 Coverage:

Meeting the demand for 24/7 accessibility poses a challenge for businesses, and self-service emerges as a cost-effective solution. Customers expect assistance at any time and sustaining a fully staffed call center overnight might not be financially viable. Self-service bridges this accessibility gap by enabling customers to find answers independently, ensuring continuous support without incurring the high costs of human agents working around the clock. According to a survey by HubSpot, 82% of customers expect an immediate response from brands.

  • Cost-Effectiveness:

Gartner’s research highlights a significant cost difference between traditional agent interactions and self-service, underscoring the latter’s cost-effectiveness. By encouraging customers to handle routine tasks independently, such as appointment scheduling and bill payments, businesses can substantially reduce customer support expenses. Self-service proves particularly economical for handling routine tasks, empowering customers, and contributing to overall cost savings. A Gartner study estimated that an average agent interaction costs $8 while the average self-service contact costs 10 cents.

  • Maximizing Agent Value:

Rather than replacing human agents, self-service optimizes their roles by automating routine tasks. This optimization allows agents to redirect their focus toward more complex and high-value customer interactions. Streamlining routine tasks enhances the value agents bring to the organization, and their engagement in intellectually stimulating tasks contributes to improved job satisfaction. McKinsey reports that automating routine tasks can free up 20-30% of agents’ time. Customer Think highlights that 73% of agents prefer spending their time on complex problem-solving rather than repetitive tasks.

  • Effective Customer Experience with Agent Assistance:

A well-designed self-service seamlessly integrates with human assistance, ensuring a smooth transition when customer inquiries surpass the capabilities of self-service. Agents, equipped with information from the self-service phase, can address customer needs more effectively. The integration avoids redundancy and delays, ensuring a positive and efficient customer journey. Salesforce’s State of Service report indicates that 84% of customers believe the key to great customer service is connected experience.

  • Smarter Self-Service Over Time:

Self-service methods incorporating artificial intelligence and machine learning become more adept with use. These tools continuously improve their capabilities, adapting to evolving customer needs. The adaptability of self-service ensures its continued relevance and effectiveness, marking a shift towards more intelligent and responsive customer service solutions. AI-powered self-service solutions, like chatbots, continuously learn from interactions, improving accuracy over time. Research by Accenture reveals that 83% of customers are willing to use AI-driven self-service options.

  • Building on Existing Behaviour:

Recognizing that many consumers already embrace self-service through websites and mobile apps, contact centers can strategically build on this existing behavior. Extending self-service offerings to advanced technologies aligns with changing trends, ensuring continued customer satisfaction and engagement. This adaptive approach marks a paradigm shift in customer service dynamics, acknowledging and leveraging evolving consumer preferences.

The Benefits of Self-Service

  1. Reduced Contact Center Costs

The adoption of self-service significantly cuts down support costs. With routine queries handled independently, the need for agent intervention decreases, resulting in substantial cost savings. A study by Aberdeen Group indicates that companies deploying self-service experience a 10% reduction in operational costs.

  • Shrinking Resolution Times

The streamlined nature of self-service journeys leads to quicker issue resolution. AI-powered tools, guided by Natural Language Processing (NLP), swiftly provide relevant information, reducing customer wait times. 67% of customers prefer resolving issues themselves, emphasizing the preference for quick and efficient self-service options.

  • Improved Employee Satisfaction

By automating routine queries, self-service allows live agents to focus on more complex issues, enhancing job satisfaction. Empowered agents positively impact customer service and, subsequently, customer satisfaction. 74% of contact center executives believe that agent experience significantly influences customer experience.

  • Enhanced Overall Agent Efficiency

The centralized knowledge base powering self-service tools benefits agents as well. With AI-driven predictive suggestions and real-time feedback, agents experience increased efficiency and reduced Average Handling Time (AHT). Integrating AI into contact centers leads to a 28% improvement in agent efficiency, according to research by McKinsey.

  • Continual Knowledge Optimization

Self-service platforms facilitate ongoing knowledge optimization through customer feedback. Analytics provide insights into the effectiveness of knowledge articles, enabling continuous improvement. Customer feedback within self-service tools helps identify articles that need improvement, leading to a 15% increase in knowledge base effectiveness.

Contact center self-service tools & technology

Contact centers have embraced a variety of innovative tools and technologies to enhance self-service options, providing customers with efficient and user-friendly experiences. These tools leverage advancements in voice recognition, artificial intelligence, and interactive features. Let’s explore the key self-service tools transforming the landscape of contact centers.

  1. Smart Chatbots

In recent years, chatbots equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) have become pivotal in self-service strategies. About 48% of contact centers have invested in AI chatbots, according to Cisco’s 2020 report. These smart chatbots, powered by natural language processing (NLP), engage in dynamic conversations with customers. They guide users to relevant resources, handle common queries, and operate simultaneously across numerous conversations. This enables human agents to focus on more complex and specialized customer interactions.

  • AI-Powered Agent Assist

AI takes on a supportive role for contact center agents with AI-powered agent assist tools. These technologies automate repetitive tasks, allowing agents to dedicate more time to customer support. By actively listening to customer conversations, AI analyzes conversation history, tone, and context to provide real-time recommendations to agents. This not only improves the efficiency of agents but also contributes to more personalized and effective customer interaction.

  • Knowledge Bases and FAQs

While not new, knowledge bases and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) continue to play a crucial role in self-service. By addressing common queries and hosting them in easily accessible online databases, businesses empower customers to find solutions independently. The key is ensuring that the knowledge base is user-friendly and efficiently navigable, putting valuable information at the fingertips of customers seeking quick resolutions.

  • Advanced IVR Software

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems have evolved significantly from traditional phone menus. Advanced IVR software now incorporates conversational AI technology, creating more human-like exchanges. With capabilities beyond DTMF technology, modern IVRs provide customers with the option to interact using natural language. This results in a more intuitive and seamless experience, directing callers efficiently to the right channels for their queries.

  • Web Call-Backs

Formerly known as Visual IVR, Web Call-Backs introduced a convenient way for digital users to request a call-back from a live agent through a website or mobile app. This tool allows customers to schedule a call at their preferred time, avoiding the need to wait on hold. As a result, call volumes are managed more effectively, and customers receive timely support without prolonged waiting times.

These self-service tools not only streamline customer interactions but also contribute to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of contact centers. As technology continues to advance, the integration of these tools ensures that contact centers can adapt to changing customer preferences and deliver exceptional service experiences.

How to create a smarter self-service strategy?

Implementing a self-service strategy in your contact center requires a thoughtful and structured approach to ensure it meets customer needs and aligns with business objectives. Here’s a comprehensive guide on creating a smarter self-service strategy, covering key steps and best practices.

  • Document Your Existing Self-Service Solutions

Begin by identifying and documenting your current self-service channels, such as IVR systems or website chatbots. Understand the original goals of each solution and evaluate whether they still align with current business requirements. Assess the effectiveness of your self-service tools by identifying key metrics and collecting feedback from stakeholders, including customers, agents, and IT teams.

  • Determine Your Updated Self-Service Strategy

Align your self-service goals with current business objectives and explore new capabilities and technologies. Research options like upgrading to IVRs with conversational AI or deploying chatbots across additional channels. Identify improved ways to measure effectiveness and gather feedback from stakeholders to refine and validate your strategy.

  • Implementing Contact center self-service best practices

Implementing effective self-service in a contact center involves starting with a small pilot, communicating transparently with stakeholders, and selecting common interactions for self-service. Ensure a customer-friendly design, guide users with prompts, and plan a smooth transition to human agents. Use AI judiciously, continuously measure performance, and choose integrated solutions for efficiency. Prioritize flexibility and scalability for future adaptability.

Optimizing Customer Self-Service: Six Practical Steps

Voice channels remain significant in customer interactions, ranking second only to email. While voice channels may persist, many customers prefer self-service or virtual assistants for issue resolution. Contact center leaders aiming to enhance customer experience can adopt effective self-service practices. Let’s explore six ways to optimize customer self-service performance.

  • Update the Knowledge Base

A strong self-service foundation relies on a well-maintained knowledge base. Unfortunately, many organizations overlook continuous updates to content, search functionality, and media types in their knowledge bases. Before expanding self-service strategies, leaders should consolidate, modernize, and update knowledge bases to provide robust customer support.

  • Identify Common Customer Issues

Certain issues are better suited for self-service, such as common queries about return policies. Leaders across customer experience, IT, and business should collaborate to identify these issues and determine the most effective interaction channels for each. Creating an FAQ page or directing customers to relevant resources can streamline issue resolution.

  • Use Virtual Assistants for Guidance

When customers enter self-service channels, virtual assistants can play a crucial role. A pop-up virtual assistant can ask simple questions to guide customers or escalate the conversation to a live agent. This ensures customers find the information they need, boosting satisfaction and maintaining high technology functionality.

  • Offer Omnichannel Capabilities

Integrating self-service channels is crucial to prevent customer frustration. Customers often move between channels during issue resolution. Lack of cohesion can lead to repetition and frustration. Contact centers with omnichannel capabilities, allow agents to track interactions across channels, significantly improving customer and employee experiences.

  • Embrace AI Technologies

Regularly updating knowledge bases is essential for providing up-to-date information. AI and machine learning can be utilized to identify areas requiring updates and automate content maintenance. Integrating these technologies ensures customers access the latest company, product, and service information.

  • Measure Success

After implementing a self-service strategy, measuring its success is vital. Metrics such as customer satisfaction scores and revenue increases help gauge performance. If results fall short, the CX team can work on improvements, refining the self-service strategy for enhanced customer satisfaction.

Self-service technology in contact centers is no longer just a convenience but a necessity in today’s customer service landscape. It provides 24/7 accessibility, reduces costs, maximizes agent value, enhances customer experience, and adapts intelligently over time. By embracing self-service tools such as smart chatbots, AI-powered agent assists, knowledge bases, and web call-backs, contact centers can streamline customer interactions and improve overall efficiency.

To create a smarter self-service strategy, contact centers should document existing solutions, align strategies with business objectives, and implement best practices like pilot implementations, transparent communication, and user-friendly designs. By optimizing their self-service capabilities, contact centers can meet customer needs effectively, drive customer satisfaction, and stay competitive in the digital age.

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